Kevin is four years old as of yesterday. Where oh where has the time gone? It seems he was a newborn just yesterday and today we had cake and ice-cream with his great-grandmother, Auntie Luanna, Uncle Chris, Auntie Maria, and Jenny (his birth mother).
He wanted seven candles when I asked him how many I should put onto his cake. Seven? Seven it was.
Yesterday we went together to Superstore to pick out the cake mix, frosting, ice cream, and the decorations for the top of the cake. It was delightful to let him choose a confetti cake mix, chocolate frosting, and stars for the cake. For ice cream he chose Rainbow, which we all agreed today had very little flavor variety in its colors.
We mixed and baked the cake after supper yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. He cracked and opened two eggs with only a few pieces of shell falling into the batter.
The point here is that he had most of the control over decision making in his 4th birthday. No one ridiculed his choices, no one suggested he should choose differently. This is one of the areas in life where he can flex his decision-making muscles with confidence.