Friday, May 11, 2012

Garage Sales and Bitches


What kind of title is that for a blog post anyway?

Hmmm, the way I understand it, is that blogs are for writers to express their freedom.  And I intend to take advantage of that freedom.  

That, and I just love the way those two words sound together.

People are odd.  Everyone is odd, yes I know that, but some people really stand out with their “oddness” and cause you to take a second look or take a second listen, or whatever.

So this lady comes to my garage sale this afternoon, during a lull.  She’s hold two brand spanking new pairs of flip flops in her hand.  Ones that I bought last summer because I just HAD to have new flip flops, but never used them. 

She peers into my box of $5 Tupperware items, picks up an item, and says “oh. Look. Its cracked already.” I took it from her and looked carefully and said, “No its not cracked.” She put it back in the box and hmphed.  And then was starting to walk away and said, “Oh, and I took these from the box,” gesturing out to the shoe and purse box on the driveway.

“$2 for both pairs.”

“Oh, but I took them from the ‘free’ box.”

“Ummmm, no they weren’t in the free box; that’s the box beside it.”

“Then I don’t want them.”

And she was gone in a huff.