Perhaps those were not the exact words the dentist spoke to me just over a week ago, but mighty darn close. There is more work to be done in my mouth, but he would like to defer all further treatment until I have seen a specialist for my ongoing (and severe) left jaw pain. Fair enough.
Here's the kicker; I'm also supposed to start seeing a counsellor who would theoretically help with the stress that I am apparently dealing with. But I don't feel stressed. I'm fully aware that there are issues in my life that should be causing me copious amounts of stress and anxiety.
Who has time to sit down with a counsellor an hour or two a week? Not I. I barely have time to pick my nose, never mind have an hour long conversation about life. Normally I love to talk about myself and what is going on in my world, so it surprises me that I am shying away from this opportunity.
Perhaps there are truths inside me that I am afraid of discovering.
There is a lot going on in my world; neither good nor bad. To put a "good" or "bad" label on an event or series of events is to determine positivity or negativity in advance. I choose not to do this as I believe that there is a learning opportunity in every moment of our lives. If we label something as "bad" we are closing the door to any potential learning or growth.
There is no single concern in my world that is causing enough stress for my dentist to believe I need counseling. It is an accumulation of life circumstances.
I'm not saying I don't agree with him; I do agree with him. Whatever stress I'm having is leading me to have horrendous physical symptoms in my jaw. It's as if the internal pain, the stress that I'm not feeling, must find a way to make itself felt.
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