Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weather and Politics

Working at night sometimes leads the mind down avenues untraveled in daylight hours, likely because the brain is overtired and not firing on all cylinders. The last night shift I worked was one of those nights.

And for all of you concerned about confidentiality, just because I happen to be referencing work, does not mean this is about work. This is actually completely unrelated to work, so don't get your panties all in a knot and start bringing up PHIA.

Weather and politics seem quite unrelated but my poor tired brain grasped onto a common thread, likely since it was the night just following our federal election and also right after our, ahem, "blizzard."

First, I noticed that when we had the misfortune to receive snow in May, everyone was bitching and moaning like their life was coming to an end. Hello! We live in Canada, Manitoba to be more precise. This may not happen every year but it happens often enough that it should come as no surprise when it happens. Why is everyone so horrified every time it happens?

My point is that complaining about the weather is futile; no amount of swearing at the snow, shaking your fist at the sky, or whining on Facebook will make the snow stop, or make it melt any quicker. There is simply nothing you can do about the weather. Period.

Second, the federal election also caused a fair bit of uproar. Again, there is nothing you can do about the outcome of the election. Being angry because "your" party or candidate was not elected won't change the results. And if you didn't vote, you don't even have the right to complain about the majority government. For the purpose of this post I am referring to those who did not vote.

You're likely wondering about the common thread here; well, like I said, it was my tired brain, likely overstimulated by my coworkers extra-strength coffee, that came up with this similarity.

We complain (and by we, I am not including myself) about the weather and politics, usually non-stop. Its too hot, its too cold, the government sucks, etc etc etc. Complaining will not change the weather or politics. Let me repeat that, complaining will NOT change the weather or politics. You're wasting your breath and your time .

Unless you are willing to get into politics yourself and try and make a difference in the world, stop complaining.

Unless you have the power to change the weather, or you are able to move to a more appealing climate, zip it.

It may be the right of every Canadian to voice their unhappiness regarding the weather and the political situation, but I refuse (most of the time) to participate.

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