Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Here it is, the very last day of June 2010. The day before July 1, 2010.

How did this happen? How did it get to be almost July so quickly? And before that it was "almost June" that caught me off guard. And before that, "almost May".... I'm sure you get the picture. Time is simply speeding by much too quickly, quicker than it ever has before. Each twelve hour work day seems to drag on forever and the days at home are seemingly endless. Why is it then that cumulatively, the weeks and months are flying by?

Mom was here for an hour or two over lunch today and we looked through a few old photo albums. There's nothing like a trip down a twenty year old memory lane to remind you of how much time has passed. There was a picture of my two oldest; one of them still in an infant carrier. I can remember that instant in time like it was yesterday.

While I can look back a year and see how much I've accomplished during that time, I also can see how little I've really done, and how much time I've spent on activities that have no relation to any of the goals I've set for myself. Some may call it wasting time, and I think they may be right in some instances. For example, I have spent hours and days and possibly weeks of the last year playing games on my phone. These hours are gone and I'll never get them back.

At the same time I complain bitterly to anyone who will listen, about the fifty pounds I've gained and how I've got no time to do anything about it. What if I had used those hours for working out at home, going to the gym, or preparing healthy meals? I'm sure I wouldn't be carrying around this much extra weight if had I used my time more constructively.

The point I'm trying to make is that we are all given 24 hours in each day. How we use our time is up to us, but we need to be aware that each minute we spend on "time wasting" activities is a minute that could have been put to better use.

So I'm challenging myself to spend less time on my iPhone and more time working towards my goals (weight loss is one of those goals).

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