Monday, July 26, 2010

5 Reasons Why I Adore Kev's Sitter!

"Don't worry, the dog will lick it off," was her response when I dropped Kev off today, apologizing for the DQ Blizzard that he was partially wearing.

That comment not only made me laugh, but it also got me thinking about how much her and I are on the same wavelength when it comes our philosophy of childcare. There are not many things she says or does that I don't agree with. Childcare like she provides is difficult to find these days.

So, without further ado, here are the 5 reasons I adore Kev's sitter:

1. I'm welcome in her home. She has nothing to hide; when I drop Kev off I do not meet her at the door, hand Kev over and then run. Today for example, she and the children were outside when we arrived so we visited for maybe fifteen minutes, talking about how Kev had been during the day at home, and how cute and well-behaved he had been on his previous visit there. Kev had a dry diaper upon arrival, which is not always the case, and I was quite pleased with myself that I had changed it before leaving the house. We talked about our personal lives a while (they have run a similar path), and then I yelled goodbye at Kev and drove off the yard. Interestingly enough, Kev was so busy in the sandbox/playstructure with his cronies that he barely lifted his head long enough to acknowledge my existence.

2. There is no TV in the home. That alleviates my concern that Kev will become a zombie at her house. She will not be turning on the television and using it as a babysitter for the children, nor will she be distracted by watching daytime or evening television. I'm not adverse to television at all if it is used appropriately. At our house it is used as a babysitter while I am in the shower, or while Kev is sick and can do nothing but lie still. Rainy weather also prompts increased television time for him at home.

3. She is a magnificent cook! In fact, she is such a good cook, that Kev turns up his nose at my meals sometimes. She reports back to me about how much he eats at her house and I am bewildered. Is this the same boy that sometimes refuses to eat until lunch at home?! As well, at her house, there are other children and mealtime is a more formal activity than it is at our two person home. Kev and I rarely eat the same food at mealtime as I am trying to lose a few pounds.

4. Her home is always open for Kev. As a nurse, I work horrifically unpredictable hours, hours that are not compatible with daycare, or with most babysitters. Without a 2nd adult in the home, I cannot leave Kev at home for night while I go to work. This requires either a sitter in the home, or requires that Kev stay at someone's home. Since he is familiar with her home and her family, and since I pay her a flat fee every week, he goes there for night. When I work two consecutive nights, he stays for nearly 48 hours. Its too long for me, but our reality is that I do not have a choice, I have to work.

5. She and her family love Kev like their own. This is possibly the biggest reason why I adore her so much! They take Kev with them on their family outings. A trip to the city to visit her adult son, supper with her parents, etc. Kev is always welcome to go with them. He attends church with them, morning and evening church if its a Sunday. She does not feel that she needs to stay home and 'babysit' Kev. If her and her girls are invited out for supper to a friends' home, she simply lets me know, and then I pick him up there.

Wow. Five reasons doesn't quite cut it; there are so many more reasons why I like bringing Kev there. Her and I have known each other since birth and while we haven't been in touch or even friends during our childhood, it seems as though we have bonded over the similarities in our adult lives.

Because Kev is my grandson (officially) and I'm a single (grand)parent, and because I certainly wasn't planning on raising another child at this stage in my life, it is essential that I have excellent and flexible childcare for Kev. Not working is not an option, no matter how much I wish I could be a stay-at-home-mom its just not possible if I want to provide food and shelter for Kev. There are few things in life that I insist upon more than childcare I can trust.

It is essential for every parent to be able to relax while at work, knowing that their child is being well cared for in another person's care. Would you want your nurse to be distracted at work, worrying about her child while measuring out your medications and making decisions regarding your care?

If you have children, do you work outside the home? What do you do for childcare? How do feel about daycare vs. homecare for your child? Please comment, I'll respond.

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