Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, With a Twist

My day started off routinely enough; Kev bouncing in his crib with a cute cheesy grin on his face, totally ready to start his day. Coffee, breakfast, coffee, bath, coffee, phone Mom, coffee, and get Kev dressed.

Kev and I slowly made preparations to leave the house, and I do mean slowly. All the coffee in the world can't speed up the "getting ready to leave the house" process. (this is sort of told from Kev's point of view): Change diaper and get dressed. Have mini temper tantrum when not allowed to mess up neatly folded clothes. Brush teeth with Grandma. Play with tractors on windowsill while Grandma gets ready. Get jacket and vest on, just like Grandma. Wait by the door. Poop. Listen to Grandma mumble under her breath while she fixes my diaper. Resume waiting at door. Wait for Grandma while she gathers up her keys. Get in car. Cry because I can't have the crusty day old bun on the floormat. Wait while Grandma runs back into the house for the garage door opener. Laugh with relief when she finally starts the car. Start crying when Grandma has to run back into the house for cash. Finally we leave. Giggle with delight when the garage door closes magically by itself. Distract Grandma by saying "wuss dat?" every few minutes while she's driving.

Fast forward to later in the day, also told from Kev's point of view: have long, long bath. Throw water logged toys in Grandma's general direction. Ask for "uppies" and then cry when Grandma takes me out of the tub. Have diaper applied before leaving the bathroom so I don't make a pee pee on the carpet. Run around the house as fast as I can cuz I love wearing just a diaper. Allow Grandma to put jammies on me cuz she said something about a truck and bye bye. Wait at the door. No pooping this time. Wait for Grandma to brush her teeth and comb her hair. Wait patiently till Grandma opens the door. Go straight to my wagon, get in and wait expectantly. Grandma says "just a minute." Sit in wagon while Grandma takes my car seat out of the car. Sit very still while Grandma pulls the wagon around on the driveway. Get excited when a white truck drives into our driveway. Let Grandma buckle me into my carseat in the white truck.

There you have bits and pieces of our day, the way Kev might see it.

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