Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jen Moves "Home"

For those who are not in the know, I made an emergency trip to Quebec to retrieve my daughter, Jen, who was experiencing a major episode of depression. She is also the birth mother of Kev, the toddler I so often speak of and am raising as my own son.

Jen moved to Quebec on January 12 of this year to live with her boyfriend and I found that it was quite liberating to be the only adult in the house and to be the sole parent in Kev's life.  When she first asked about coming home again to live with me, I balked at the prospect as I wanted to maintain my current status.  However, when the depression deepened, her need to come home superseded my need for solitude.

She is now comfortably living in my home, having made the "pink room" in the basement her home.  We refer to it as the "pink room" because of the hideous pink paint which literally sends out a glow into the surrounding basement when the door to the room is open.  Painting this room was on my list of things to do, but I doubt that I'll need to do that anytime soon, as she loves the color.

She's moved into the room with the panache and energy with which she does everything and I'm relieved to see that she is doing so.  Our tenative timeline for having her here is six months and that's a period that I can deal with.  If it turns out to be longer, so be it.  

Physically this house has room for all three of us: Jen, Kev, and myself.  Whether it is feasible on an emotional level remains to be seen.

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