Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Countdown to Our New Home

The countdown has officially started! I get the keys to my new home on Friday, February 26. The current tenants are vacating the premises tomorrow evening, so theoretically I could start moving in tomorrow night. But, I'm working so, alas, it is not to be. Sigh. The move in dates will stay the same, March 4 to March 6; with the 6th being the day of moving all the furniture, etc.

Is this exciting for me? You bet it is! We're less than 72 hours from moving our first boxes into our new home, and 9(?) days from moving in officially. The wait is over. Finally.

All that remains at this point is to be officially hired by a hospital in the area. Yesterday I had an interview in Steinbach for a 0.4 EFT Term in Emergency. I believe the interview went well, except that I was my normal self and talked waaaaaaay too much! Ugh. You'd think I'd learn to talk less, but noooooooo, I had to talk like I normally do.

The interview took about an hour, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It consisted of some work related questions, and some for focused questions regarding emergency room triage methods. Technically, I think I did very well considering that I am a ward nurse and have learned a different thought process than emergency room nurses. And I didn't even know that nurses in different departments thought differently.

The only negative to come out of the interview is my excessive use of sick time. I have used all my sick time in the past two years, even called in sick when there was no sick time available to me. Let me explain: Prior to Kev's arrival in my world, even prior to me accepting responsibility of him, it was very rare that I called in sick, and if I did I was physically ill. Following his birth, my world was turned upside down, much more than I ever expected it would be. There were times Jen was able to take care of him herself, and times that she was unable to (as her postpartum depression progressed). There were times I was simply too stressed out to even contemplate going to work.

The past two years have been hideously stressful for me. And again I feel the need to stress, although you've all heard it before, Kev is not the source of stress. He makes it all worth it by the sheer beauty of his being. No, the stress stemmed from taking on a new role, the postpartum depression, relationship issues, etc. In general, it was complete chaos.

Evidently things have settled down, as I am able to look back on the time period with clarity and hindsight. Were I still stressed out, I believe I would not be able to see those two years as being stressful. Does that make sense to anyone but me?

There are still stressors in my life, of course. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't. However, they are of a different nature. My role as Kev's mother has been clearly defined, the lines are no longer blurred between his birth mother and I. That was a rather large source of stress, but I did not realize it at the time. To know that I am the only one responsible is both completely overwhelming and totally comforting at the same time. Biological parents, ie. traditional mom and dad families, will likely not understand this feeling, but perhaps I am wrong and they will understand it better than I think.

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