Thursday, February 25, 2010

More Details

As promised, and I know you all were waiting with baited breath for this post, here are more details about the position I've accepted at Bethesda Hospital.

It's a .4 position, which means that out of every six week rotation I will be scheduled for 8 12-hour shifts. That's not a lot for the sole money-maker of the house. It'd be great as a supplementary income in a two parent home, but not enough for my situation. And that is why I look for extra shifts whenever and wherever I can. At HSC I nearly doubled my shifts just by picking up extras.

Some people ask me why I don't look for a full-time position. It's very simple, I love the flexibility this gives me. I can work as much or as little as I want. It allows me lengthy periods of time off work if I choose; my last rotation had 2 11-day gaps in it. Usually I filled them with extra shifts, but sometimes I used them as a mini vacation at home. Until recently there has never been a shortage of hours for pick up and that was awesome!

The position is in the Emergency Department of the Bethesda Hospital, which is something I've been eager to try for a long looooooong time! This emergency department is quite busy due to the rapidly growing population of Southeastern Manitoba. So busy that they are planning to break ground for a new ER sometime in spring. Exciting stuff!

Apparently I will receive a lengthy and extensive orientation, which suits me just fine!! There will be some courses that I need to take and I've been warned that I will have lots of reading to do. A challenge? Bring it on!

HSC has an IV team; ward nurses do not do IV starts. At Bethesda we do that ourselves, that's another skill I'll need to work on. I've successfully started two IV's in my nursing career and did the dance of joy each time. Have I ever mentioned that I really love being a nurse?!!

My last day shifts at HSC are next Tuesday and Wednesday; my last night shifts are the following Monday and Thursday. That makes my last shift March 11. I'm hoping that my start date at Bethesda will be March 15, but am currently unsure.

Best news of all, my position does not include any nights. Days and evenings only. Not sure how that will work with babysitting, bit I have faith that something will work out.

There's the details I promised. Enjoy!

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