Monday, August 30, 2010

5 Life Lessons I Have Learned

The lessons I’ve learned in my life have come from trial and error and are mostly a result of my horrendous sense of humor.  Others are a bit more serious.  You won’t find anything extremely original here, its likely stuff you’ve all figured out on your own by now anyway.

  1. Always, always pee when you have the chance.  If there is a bathroom in sight, use it.  This is altered a bit for nurses:  always, always pee when you have a free minute.  You may not get another chance till the end of shift. 
  2. Turn the idiot box off.  It benefits you and your family in more ways than you can count.  I’m not telling you to never watch TV, just watch a whole lot less of it. Get off the couch and move.  Clean the house.  Mow the lawn.  Go for a walk.  Or, gasp, read a book. 
  3. Learn the lessons that the universe is trying to teach you, preferably the first time around.  The more you try to resist, the more painful the lesson gets. 
  4. Don’t be afraid to have conversations with random strangers; you never know what you might learn from the little old lady sitting on the bench in the mall or at the bus stop. 
  5. Accept that your way of doing things or your way of seeing the world is unique.  There is no one who sees it the way you do.  Don’t force your view on someone else, and don’t accept someone else’s view just because they want you to.

There’s more where this came from, so you will be blessed with a few more “Life Lessons” in the next week or so. 

Tell me about lessons you’ve learned; I’d love to hear them.

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