Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blessed for a Third Time

Every time I go into his room in the evening and see him sleeping, I am reminded of how fortunate and how blessed I am. Minutes ago I went in and covered him again. He repositioned himself, did a cute little thing with his mouth, and scratched his adorable little belly. There is no way to recreate these moments, they happen via quantity time.

Earlier this evening I entered the living room and found him attemting to put a sweater on the lower half of his body. That was a first for him; a first time trying to dress himself. As he continued the upside down method of getting dressed, he said "on. On." Without having ever heard him talk, you couldn't possibly imagine how wonderful this moment was.

As we entered Superstore today he immediately started saying "tootie," which translates to cookie. He kept repeating it over and over and I kept telling him that I wasn't buying "tooties" but I would rather bake some at home. We were almost done our shopping, finishing in the baked goods section, as I always do, when it FINALLY dawned on me! Duh! He wanted his cookie from the bakery! Ugh. Didn't I ever feel silly! He got his cookie, was very grateful and enthused and then inhaled it before we got to the check out.

Each time we're in the car, even before I've got him fully buckled in, he's pointing to the front of the car and saying something. It's evident that he wants something but it took me many occasions to figure it out. Before I understood what it was what he wanted, I would offer him everything that I thought it could possibly be, plus a few things that weren't even in his line of sight. Today he said a word while gesturing to the front and I'm 99% sure he said "tunes." Based on that assumption, I turned on his CD; he sat back quietly in his seat and said nothing the entire ride home. What I want to know is who taught him the word "tunes?"

I've saved the best for last! When he was younger I sang to him on occasion; he didn't seem to mind. My children and my VBF will all vouch for my legendary vocal talent. It seems Kev has caught on quite young; every time I start to sing, he uses this tiny little tortured voice and shakes his head and says "nooo."

There you have it. Kev is my third blessing.

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