Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolutions vs. Goals

With the arrival of a new year comes a flurry of new year's resolutions. Sales of gym memberships increase exponentially as people 'resolve' to get in shape. Diets are started because people want to lose weight. People resolve to spend less to make up for their x-mas spending. Etc etc etc. Resolutions such as these rarely make it to the end of January, much less become a permanent lifestyle change.

And that is why I do not make new year's resolutions.

Instead I periodically sit down throughout the year, including towards the end of the calendar year, and review the priorities in my life, my goals, and the steps I need to take to reach those goals. Having priorities in my life helps me to weed out the goals which may not be in line with my priorities. For example, my family and all that entails, is my number one priority. Being a travel nurse is not in line with that priority, as being away from home is simply not compatible with a family life. Especially not with young children. That goal is no longer on my list. A goal that would be more compatible with raising a family, for example, would be to work in an emergency department of a rural hospital, ie. Steinbach or Ste. Anne.

As I said, family is my number one priority. Providing a stable home environment for Kev is an important part of that equation. I feel that it would be easier for me to provide a stable environment living near my family and friends than it would be in the city where we have fewer supports and resources. Therefore, it is my goal to move out to the country as soon as reasonably possible after Jen moves to Quebec. Along with the move to the country, it would be more convenient and mean less time away from Kev if I worked in a nearby hospital. Therefore, Steinbach or Ste. Anne are the obvious options.

In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to take action. I've already phoned both hospitals to inquire about available positions. Both facilities have openings and would like to meet with me in the new year to discuss the different options and positions.

As far as finding a home to live in, actions I've taken thus far are inquiring among family and friends whether they know of any places for rent in the Greenland/Steinbach/Mitchell area. I prefer a rural address, but would also live in a town if the price and location are right. Luckily, my nephew's wife is the rental manager for a real estate company in Steinbach and has some suggestions for me. At this point, my next action will be to call that niece-in-law during the week and plan a trip to see a property that is available.

In summary, in my opinion, resolutions are short lived while goals and priorities are more long term. Family is my number one prioriy and therefore my goals must be in accordance with that priority. Of course, I also have lesser priorities in addition to family, and someday I will share them with you, but not today.

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