My primary value, the most important thing in the world to me, is family. That includes my small family of three children and their significant others. It includes Mom, my brothers, and many relatives. I've got some friends who are closer to me than family and I've included them in my definition of family.

Keeping that value in mind, my biggest goal for 2010 (and the next two decades) is this: To provide a loving and stable home environment for Kevin, in which he can be secure in the knowledge that he is loved and treasured. Ideally, this is to be an environment without financial worries. He will be provided with many opportunities for education, exploration, and learning. Through the examples of myself and others he will learn the value of family and friends. As his parent, I will be supportive of him while also fostering indepensence.
It may seem odd to some that I've included parenting Kev as a goal. Special circumstances dictate that I can't take a routine approach to nurturing this child. Perhaps if I had given some prior thought as to how I planned to raise my oldest two instead of "flying by the seat of my pants" and making it up as I went along, they may have received more effective parenting.

This goal is crucial to me; all my other goals are set with this goal being taken into consideration.
Moving to the country and closer to friends and family is part of this goal. Working in a rural hospital rather than commuting regularly to HSC is also part. Resolving my financial issues in order to better provide for him, also part of this goal.
Sharing this with you means that I'm held accountable for what I've written.
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